[EN/EE] ‘Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)’ at Kai Art Center
![[EN/EE] ‘Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)’ at Kai Art Center](https://blokmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/7bf4997-1-1200x703.jpeg)
Kai Art Center is proud to present its summer exhibition “Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)” from the artist duo of Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu. New and previously unexhibited works will be on view together with a large-scale installation that was exhibited earlier this year at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. Taking on the roles of archetypal Adam and Eve, the artists tackle the world’s creation myth, giving central roles to characters such as a swan, rabbit, and jaguar. In the artists’ words:
“It’s a work that’s taken from the personal in real-time then abstracted through myth, some borrowed, some improvised. A cosmogony of our relating to one another.”
The artist couple’s first collaboration took place in 2017 at the Performa biennial in New York. Their joint commission for the Estonian Pavilion titled “Going Going” created a meditative environment in the historic Harlem church with a slowly moving bed as its centerpiece. Kris’ signature works – surreal and delicate porcelain sculptures – together with Kyp’s sound and video created a new, powerful combination. For the first time since the Performa premiere, “Going Going” will be on view at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen this August. In February, Malone and Lemsalu opened their first institutional show in Germany at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, which was cut short by the pandemic only weeks after opening. As the title suggests, “Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)” is the second coming of the Berlin show as well as the first post-pandemic exhibition at Kai Art Center.
Kris Lemsalu, who represented Estonia at the Venice biennial in 2019, is one of the most internationally-recognized Estonian artists. Her recent solo exhibitions include projects at Goldsmiths CCA in London (2018) and Secession in Vienna (2018), as well as DRAF Evening of Performances in London (2017). Artist and musician Kyp Malone is best known as the lead singer of Brooklyn-based band TV On The Radio and a key member of Rain Machine and Ice Balloons. Through his music, Kyp has supported many grassroots organizations that sprung in action in the Black Lives Matter civil rights movement and backed New York’s small cultural institutions impacted severely by the pandemic. The summer show at Kai Art Center is their first joint institutional exhibition in Estonia.

Kai kunstikeskuses on 18. juulist avatud suvenäitus “Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)” kunstnike duolt Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu. Kolmes näitusesaalis saab näha uusi ja varem eksponeerimata teoseid ning tänavu Berliini mainekas kunstikeskuses KW Institute for Contemporary Art näidatud suuremahulist installatsiooni. Arhetüüpsete Aadama ja Eeva rolli astunud kunstnikud on ette võtnud uue maailma loomismüüdi, kus leiavad kesksete tegelastena koha luik, jänes ja jaaguar.
Kahe oma valdkonnas tipuks tõusnud looja koostöö sai alguse ühisest ülesastumisest 2017. aasta Performa biennaalil. Eesti paviljoni jaoks valminud teos “Going, Going” ajaloolises Harlemi kirikus lõi publikut lummava meditatiivse keskkonna, kus Krisi autorimärgiks kujunenud sürreaalsed portselanskulptuurid ning Kypi loodud video ja heli moodustasid võimsa koosluse. Veebruaris avasid kunstnikud oma esimese institutsionaalse näituse Saksamaal “Love Song Sing Along” KW Institute for Contemporary Artis, mis märtsi alguses puhkenud pandeemia tõttu oli avatud kõigest kaks nädalat. Nagu ka pealkiri ütleb, on “Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!)” Berliini näituse uus tulemine, olles ühtlasi ka Kai kunstikeskuse esimene kriisijärgne näitus.

Rahvusvahelisele ja kodupublikule on Kris Lemsalu tuttav kui kunstnik, kelle portfoolios on rida tunnustust toonud projekte nimekatest kohtadest üle maailma. Lisaks Eesti esindamisele 2019. aasta Veneetsia biennaalil on Kris üles astunud soolonäitustega Goldsmiths CCAs Londonis (2018) ja Secessionis Viinis (2018) ning osalenud DRAFi performance’ite õhtul Londonis (2017). Kunstnikku ja muusikut Kyp Malone’i tunneb muusikapublik Brooklynis 2001. aastal asutatud bändi TV On The Radio lauljana ning ansamblite Rain Machine ja Ice Balloons võtmeliikmena. Kyp on oma muusika abil tänavu toetanud nii kevadel Ameerikas lahvatanud tsiviilrahutuste laines loodud kogukonna-algatusi kui pandeemias tugevalt kannatanud väikeseid kultuuriorganisatsioone New Yorgis. Kai kunstikeskuse näitus on maineka paari esimene ühine projekt Eestis.
Artist | Kris Lemsalu Malone, Kyp Malone Lemsalu |
Exhibition | Love Song Sing Along (Once Again With Feeling!) |
Place / venue | Kai Art Center, Tallinn |
Dates | 18 July – 23 August 2020 |
Photos | Stanislav Stepashko |
Website | kai.center/en |
Index | Kai Art Center Kris Lemsalu Malone Kyp Malone Lemsalu |