Weekly is published every Thursday morning CET, looking forward to the week’s upcoming art events across Central Europe, links to deadlines for open-calls, residencies, commentary, photos and happenings of the past week worth revisiting. Here’s what you need to know for the week of April 12th, 2018.
Blok’s Opening Weekend Picks
April 12
- Riga, Latvia: “Screen Age I: Self-Portrait” at Riga Photography Biennial and Rīgas mākslas telpa. The exhibition will examine the aspects of human identity, as they are influenced by modern technologies. Until May 13.
- Moscow, Russia. Mikhail Maximov, special show in the Sidura Museum at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. April 12 MMOMA invites Mikhail Maksimov, including the last video of the author, “Death of Me”, which won this year at the International Film Festival ” Spirit of Fire “in the nomination” Golden Taiga – Best Short meter “.
- Ostrava, Czech Republic: “The Public and Contemporary Art” at PLATO Ostrava. Representatives of institutions from the Czech Republic who are working on the public. One day only.
- Warsaw, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz Institute and New Theater presents “Generation After 2. Polish Performing Arts Showcase.” New Theater organizes the second edition of the Generation After showcase. It is an intense presentation of the most recent Polish theater, and a new artistic school of thought. Various dates and times, through to April 14.
April 13
- Belgrade, Serbia: Na putu at diSTRUKTURA. Milica Milicevic and Milan Bosnić graduated and graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, on the painting section. Since 2005, they have been working together in 25 solo and more than 50 group exhibitions. Until May 5.name they have participated in over 25 solo and more than 50 group exhibitions. Until May 5.
- Berlin, Germany: Neolithic Childhood. Art in a False Present, c. 1930. Taking its cue from texts by the extra-academic art historian Carl Einstein, an exhibition and conference at HKW will thematize the upheavals, openings, and contradictions that became manifest in art and the humanities from the 1920s into the 1940s. The “Neolithic Childhood” -a concept used by Carl Einstein is the character of his understanding of Hans Arp-seemed to be a helpful fiction through which to critique the present. Until July 9.
- Warsaw, Poland: The Stefan Gierowski Foundation presents ” Communication with everything that is.“ A group exhibition featuring work by Yui Akiyama // Karolina Bielawska // Bartek Buczek // Martyna Czech // Łukasz Dybalski // Jakub Gliński // Rua Golba / / Karolina Jabłońska // Emilia Kina // Martyna Kielesińska // Dominika Kowynia // Tomasz Kręcicki // Alicja Kubicka // Kamil Kukla // Marta Nadolle // Marta Paciejewska // Karol Palczak // Krzysztof Piętka // Cyryl Polaczek // Marek Rachwalik // Barbara Rej // Radek Szlęzak // Stach Szumski.
- Warsaw, Poland. Mikołaj Sobczak “The Unwavering Drag” at Polana Institute. “Guerrilla warfare. Cursed soldiers.” Unbreakable. Boys from lower middle classes. “Patriots.” On view until April 27.
- Krakow, Poland: Bunkier Sztutki Gallery presents “Domestic Animals.“ “Domestic Animals” presents the works of local artists and artists of the younger generation, for whom the common denominator is the personal nature of the work The exhibition is an attempt to diagnose the future of artistic events, as well as their immediate surroundings. Through to June 24.
- Krakow, Poland. “Your heart in my brain” by Paulina Stasik at Henryk Gallery. “In contemporary Polish language, metaphors clearly refer to the activities of food intake.” “We are tasty morsels and our bodies look appetizing. We lick, bite, chew, swallow and digest. Sometimes we want to eat and munch. On view until May 12.
April 15
- St. St. Petersburg, Russia: Babi Badalov | Migrant poetry and public event hosted by Anastasia Vepreva and Dmitry Vilensky at Rosa’s House of Culture. Actor-current Babi Badalova. Within the framework of the public school. On April 15 at 20:00. Babi Badalova’s “Migrant Poetry” is a community of Paris.
April 18
- Bucharest, Romania: Movements at an Exhibition and Borderlines Manuel Pelmuş at Salonul de proiecteproiecte and Ivan Gallery. In the lecture performance. Manuel Pelmuş reflects on the “performance turn” in contemporary art, on the economy of the economy. .Borderlines Manuel Pelmuș reflects on the “performance turn” in contemporary art, on the experience economy, the mechanisms of value production, the strategies of disappearance, and the politics of visibility in our media-saturated society.
Open Calls and Residencies
- Culture Backstage Training Program. Czułość is pleased to announce the launch of Culture Backstage, an EU funded training program for young cultural entrepreneurs who wish to develop and implement projects on a European scale. It is developed by the European Creative Network for Culture, under the leadership of Creature Paris. This program is designed for young aspiring cultural and artistic entrepreneurs to acquire the theoretical and practical means to make their idea come true. The participants will learn about culture, entrepreneurship, art, media, philosophy, marketing and much more while exploring major European cities and cultural hubs. Deadline to apply: April 15. For more info.
- Open call: Plantelor 58 Residency – Photo Focus in Bucharest, Romania for international curators and artists working with photography. The Romanian Association of Contemporary Art (ARAC) in Bucharest, Romania is offering a residency opportunity for a curator and an artist to document and envision a site-specific project in Bucharest. “Plantelor 58 Artist Residency” aims to introduce international artists and curators to the Romanian cultural environment. The selected curator and artist will be encouraged to take as much inspiration as possible from the local context and work within the artistic medium of photography. The theme of this year’s residency focus is the architectural and the socio-cultural context of the residency space of 58 Plantelor, situated in a historical building near the Bucharest Old Centre. Applicants are welcome to ask for more details from the organizers before submitting their application, for more info.
- Call for Applications: Curatorial Program in the City of Belgrade. The first international course for emerging curators to take place in Belgrade, Serbia, will be held from September to December 2018, and will draw upon the unique local and regional context as a critical source of knowledge. Participants will be engaged in a rigorous itinerary of extensive studio visits, research visits to public and private institutions and collections, along with a series of closed door workshop sessions led by both international and local mentors of the program. The program aims to situate curatorial practice within the specific contextual framework of the region, while also providing insights to the wider international framework related to exhibition-making practices on both a theoretical and practical level. Deadline to apply: April 30. For more info.
- Call for Applications: Residency program MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38, the Goethe-Institut New York. Located on Manhattan’s Lower EastSide, Ludlow 38 has provided for curatorial experimentation in the tradition of the German “Kunstverein” since 2008. The residency program’s mission is to introduce new, international perspectives to the local art scene and to foster dialogue within the greater aesthetic and political context of New York and the United States. Deadline to apply: May 31. For more info.
- Call for Proposals: European ArtEast Foundation (EAEF) is inviting proposals for grants for research focused on Eastern European artists working in the region in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The purpose of these grants is to give art historians and curators the opportunity to carry out ambitious research projects that will make a significant contribution to the field of art history in Eastern Europe. The Foundation’s goal is to stimulate a nuanced understanding of the history and legacy of modernism in Eastern Europe and to bring attention to overlooked artists who were important in their time but had no international exposure due to the specific political context. Deadline to apply: June 4, 2018. For more info.
Art News from Around the Blok
- An Unsanctioned Artistic Tribute to the Polish President Who Died in a Plane Crash:
To mark the eighth anniversary of President Lech Kaczyński’s death in a plane crash, Polish artist Pawel Althamer brought a renegade tribute to the presidential palace in Warsaw.
Lech Kaczyński, the former Polish President who served until his untimely death in a 2010 plane crash, made a surprise, posthumous appearance outside the President’s Palace in Warsaw yesterday. The unsanctioned sculptural tribute, by the Polish contemporary artist Pawel Althamer, was timed in anticipation of today’s eighth anniversary of the national tragedy that took the lives of Kaczyński and 95 others.
- At the Venice Biennale recreated the storage chamber and the first in Russia railway station, as per the Art Newspaper Russia : This year at the Architectural Biennial, besides the main exhibition with the title theme “Free Space”, 63 countries, Including Russia, will present their projects.As reported in the press release, the exposition in the national pavilion explores the “past, present and future of Russian railways.”
Index | Adam Mickiewicz Institute Mikhail Maksimov Moscoe Museum of Modern Art PLATO Ostrava Riga Photography Biennial |