March 23
- Brussels, Belgium: Opening Martin Kohout and Viktor Timofeev at Levy Delval. The dual opening explores the “many categories that art vernacular is full of, «fiction» isn’t the most common. Many of these concepts are often binomial, such as in «abstraction/figuration». Yet it’s more evidence that such simple distinctions aren’t encouraging, nor are fruitful reflections. The opposite of «fiction» would be «documentary» or as prosaic as English language can be, «non-fiction»” On view until April 28.

Viktor TImofeev
- Berlin, Germany: Opening of Carsten Nicolai’s “tele” at the Berlinische Galerie . A new expansive lighting installation’ tele ‘made for the first exhibition hall of the Berlinische Galerie, points to a peculiarity of quantum entanglement: Albert Einstein described in the common state as a “ghostly long” -range effect. ” Until September 3rd.

Carsten Nicolai, tele, 2018
© Carsten Nicolai, VG Image Art, Bonn 2018
Courtesy Gallery Own + Art Leipzig / Berlin and pace gallery
- Berlin Germany. The opening of Tobias Zielony’s newest solo exhibition at KOW. “There is no truth in Kyiv, only reality. That is the conclusion one might take away from the photographs Tobias Zielony took and the interviews he conducted in the Ukrainian capital between October 2016 and May 2017. The war in the country’s eastern region, the shattered Maidan movement, the post-Soviet autocracy are not the subjects of Zielony’s pictures. And yet they are. Once again portraying a youth culture between marginalization and avant-garde, the artist uncovers the echoes of the post-Maidan era in Kyiv’s techno scene.”

Tobias Zielony – Model (2017)
- Budapest, Hungary: Viktor Szeri: “Enjoy, Meanwhile I’m Working” at Trapéz. A “fake healing performance” that builds on Keith Henessy’s ideas. “”After graduating from the Contemporary Dance Academy, I had a lot of jobs. I worked in bars, I even did the cleaning up, I realized my own performances and took part in productions created by others. Currently I’m working as a waiter and besides that, I’m trying to make space to my creative energies.” Register for the two-day workshop here.
- Prague, Czech Republic: Opening of “exhibition 1: failure” at lítost. “Viewing the subject as a juncture producing unexpected outcomes and new perspectives, this multi-layered show posits doubt and uncertainty as an integral and positive part of life.” On view until May 5th.
- Prague, Czech Republic: “J R / N Y / LE C0 N CE P T ST0RE (Global)” at White Pearl Gallery by Julius Reichel & Namor Ynrobyv. Hashtag transcript: #Whitepearl4 #zbra
ň23. #Whitepearl4 #výstava1 #concep tstore2. #Conceptstore2? #Bitcoin14 #um ění26. #Síla12 #výstava1 – #krypto5#sniper24 #reichel9 #troll6 #výborný8. #Sniper24 #zlatáhorečka10#goog le18. #Výborný8 #google18 #bitcoin14. #Galerie3 #tuning1 7 – #iphone19 #fake21. #M1625 #virtuální20 #ferrari16 # testosteron13. #Narušit22 #gan g7 #gucci15. #Gang7. #Conceptstore2 #hyper11 #krypto5.
- Osijek, Croatia: “The Self-Governing Community” opens at the Gradske Galerije Osijek. The exhibition “The self-governing community” in Osijek City Gallery will present the practices and productions of artists and artists who are related to the establishment with the SIZ gallery as well as those who gravitate to the galleries, who attempt to forge a new autonomous path of art. The exhibition features work by heavyweights Claire Fontaine, Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić and Societe Realiste. On view until April 4.
- Moscow, Russia: Roman Minaev “The Cloud of the Unknown” / Opening of the exhibition at Museum of Vadim Sidur. “The project of the artist Roman Minaev is the presentation of an imaginary mobile application conceived to help anyone to initiate the artistic process and optimize its result, attracting and using the work of anonymous participants. “The Cloud of the Unknown” works on the principle of “mutual economics” (this is how AirBnb or Uber works) and will allow everyone to find a use and become a creative agent.” On view until May 13.
- Tallinn, Estonia: EKA Gallery opens “Sticky moment / Kleepuv hetk”, a new show by the Czech artist duo Anna Slama and Marek Delong. ““ …This whole mass of material is changing trough the time, every other minute there is a new image inside of me, different rhythm of my existence, different ghost in the same reflection. Is that even a reflection? Maybe it’s the real me, my mental state, expression, exposed and judged… Judged, that is a privilege – I heard while I tried to steal my moment from it, my precious magical interaction, the only pose I feel alive in. But no, it’ll never let that happen. I’m just so anxious, it’s never going to stop, I’m sure about that. I can’t stop staring at it, constantly touching it, is this right, do I follow what is supposed to be followed? There are parts of me falling apart, please help me. Help me to hold it together, I’m highly uncertain, just show me your love….” On view until April 14.
- Arc Bucharest . Arc Bucharest is pleased to announce the second residency of the Romanians who are interested to getdeeperinsight into the local art context. Deadline to apply: 18 March 2018
- Artists in Residence program at Club ElectroPutere . A fully-funded residency at Club ElectroPutere, and contemporary art center based in Craiova / Romania. Since 2009 CEP has been devoted to the creation of interdisciplinary programs and residencies. The center’s activity focuses on producing and researching contemporary cultural manifestations. Deadline to apply: 22 March 2018
- ” IN OUT” Festival is inviting filmmakers to participate in “Dance | Image “video competition organized by” Łaźnia “Center for Contemporary Art in Gdańsk . The Festival consists of performances, lectures, concerts, films, talks, meetings – and the competition. “IN OUT” Festival will last from January untilapril,when the awards ceremony is to be held on 22/04/2018. The main prize is 5,000PLN(circa 1000 euros). To enter the competition. Anyone can send a film, no longer than 20 minutes. To enter the competition. You should send the work to the festivalinout.pl. Deadline to apply: 25 March 2018
- Cemeti – Institute forArt and Society and Goethe-Institut Indonesia. A well-funded residency for artists in Yogyakarta Indonesia, alongside one Indonesian artist, who will be in residence for the same period. Visual arts, with a specific interest in arts and social practice; duration of stay: 3 months from September through November 2018. Deadline to apply: 31 March 2018
- A new book exploring the recent history of performance art in Romania and Moldova was just released, edited by Iulia Popovici and Raluca Voinea, it explores iterations of the medium post-1990.
“We are looking for these definitions, we are looking for these languages, but also we have some definitions in our context. through dialogues with artists. “(Iulia Popovici)
“These days we do not have much in the street; do not think about it. “(Raluca Voinea)
- In news out of Poland, a monument dedicated to the birthplace of Rosa Luxemburg in the city of Zamosc has been removed by city officials, prompting an outcry on social media for its return:

Image of the wall after the Rosa Luxemburg monument was removed by city officials

Rosa Luxemburg memorial in Zamosc, prior to its removal last week
- Imagine if the Soviet Union had lasted until the 21st century? Crazy images from “Chernobyl: Zone of Alienation” and Russian sci-fi TV show that imagines just that! Enjoy the images: