18 March 2018

#fbtakeover #golfclayderman

#fbtakeover #golfclayderman
Latvian artists working under the name GolfClayderman describe themselves in 20 hashtags.


Latvian National museum most protected artists


it really does!


we prefer basics #tvmaskava


work work work


Gallery 427 in Riga – cosy, cheesy, ultra high quality #gallery427


Dreaming of INTARS 2000, GolfClayderman best product exercise machine.Do 100 or more exercises.


want to try this recipee


GolfClayderman ”Redzes nervs”


“High quality, but low prices” /GolfClayderman/
Sheltout Sezz and Darcy, yo yo!


also we have a huge ball collection


One day we will play in Australia


It doesn’t matter, we can be whatever you need


What time is? Love! #SturmDerLiebe


“Brīnumu Nakts”, Madona #Madonaa #NoWorriees




We all are comming from Deep Woods

#day job

We are working in Cluckin’ bell, but we still have time to wait for 1st money contract #Los Santos #Mushas


In Latvian it means: Kas dārzā?


waving to sheep #supsupsukas #valmiera



See also