BLOK is an online, English language magazine focusing on developments in Central and Eastern European art, culture and politics. BLOK gives readers access to current events and venues from across the region, reviews of recent exhibitions and biennales, interviews with scene-influencing personalities, as well as opinionated journalism on the myriad of issues shaping art from post-Soviet bloc and surrounding countries.
As an independent non-profit platform, BLOK is made up of contributions from writers and curators across Central and Eastern Europe, established as a forum for discerning and independent discourse on contemporary art that is shaping Central Europe, while helping to streamline international access for dedicated art professionals and interested publics alike. BLOK also employs a policy of minimal intervention when editing our published texts to honor the diverse language experiences of our contributing writers.
ISSN 2719-4973
BLOK Foundation
Warsaw, Poland
REGON: 381549587
NIP: 5213842369
KRS: 0000752597
Co-editors-in-chief (2021-2024): Ewa Borysiewicz, Vera Zalutskaya, Kathryn Zazenski
Adam Mazur (Editor-in-chief 2018-2021), Karolina Plinta (Editor in 2018-2019), Piotr Policht (Editor in 2018-2019)